Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Hubris and Conceit - Part 1

Why don’t people see it? Why are so many willing to go along blindly and apparently without concern? Have we learned nothing from history?

The U.S. is the superpower in the world – right now. The preeminent, unchallenged superpower in the world. It will not always be so. There will come a time, mark my words, when we will be a second-rate, backward, “power”.

The Incan empire, the Greeks, the Romans, the former Soviet Union, the former British Empire – all came and went. All either no longer exist or are shells of their former selves. And why? When they got to be the preeminent power in the world as they knew it, they got complacent, lazy, and, in some cases, tried to bully their way in the world.

Are we as a country, particularly under this administration, headed that way? In my humble opinion, yes.

Why, you ask? Let’s take a look:

- As the preeminent power in today’s world, we have the opportunity to truly lead the world into a new age. This is true at many levels – medical technology (we are not, cannot be the leader in stem cell research with current restrictions), information technology (the Chinese and Indian cultures are turning out PhDs in much larger numbers in this area than the US, due in some measure to the measly attention paid to education by this administration), manufacturing (much of our manufacturing infrastructure is outdated, and therefore inefficient relative to newer technologies. As a rule, too little capital money is spent on upgrading in this area. And don’t even get me started on the effect unions have had on the manufacturing sector), among others.

- As the premier military power on the planet, we have a responsibility to use that power responsibly and appropriately. We have attacked and subdued the Afghans in the guise of going after the terrorists that perpetuated 9/11 – and the top leadership of Al Qaeda still exists and can strike. Anyone watching what’s going on in London in the last month? We went after phantom WMDs in Iraq based on trumped-up intelligence, and what have we got to show for it? Our military is mired in two backward countries “installing democracy” while countries that can truly destabilize world peace would be able to do so without concern – if they chose to. North Korea and nukes a concern to anyone? Do we need a sufficient military force, available for duty, in the event they get a bit too frisky? Never mind what this war has done for morale in the military and recruiting in this country. All it’s done is improve recruiting of suicide bombers for those we wish to “educate”.

- What about the fabric of life within our borders? Don’t you think that replacing a centrist woman on the Supreme Court with a conservative good-old-boy will have some impact on our quality of life? By tilting the Court to a more conservative bend, along with the current composition of the Congress and White House, a lot of things are bound to change – and not necessarily for the better. As much as I hate the gridlock that occurs when there is a split of ideology amongst the three branches of the government, I think it’s much more healthy than having them all leaning in the same direction – one way or the other. Democrat or Republican. Both sides have gotten so extreme in their rhetoric in an effort to prove a point that, once either side begins to enact their plans and platforms unilaterally, great harm will occur within this country.

- Finally, the way John Bolton was named to the UN ambassadorship is the worst kind of hubris and conceit I can imagine. Since Bush try to get Bolton, one of his good-old-boys, nominated and confirmed through the regular channels and it didn't work, he abused his powers and waited until Congress was in recess and named Bolton to the post. NEVER before has this been done with such a high-profile, important position. And what will it do for us - not much. I agree with those that say the UN is in need of a shake up and, as a leader in the world, we have a duty to help get appropriate reforms enacted. However, with Bolton's lack of broad support by the political process - brought about by the White House's flat refusal to provide information about Bolton's past work - he will be unable to get anything useful done. His appointment is worse than leaving the position unfilled, and represents cronyism in one of its worst guises.

I could go on and on, but I won’t for now. Suffice it to say that this administration does not represent me on many issues, and for that I pray for the direction our leadership is taking us.

We will become more isolated from the rest of the world; we will become a pariah; we will become a second-rate country if we continue on these paths unabated.

We need to truly take leadership in the world, do it correctly, and don’t throw our collective weight around. Haven’t you watched Jimmy Neutron or most of the other cartoons on TV lately, those of you on the Right?

The bully always gets his in the end.


At 6:11 PM, Blogger Cat. said...

I get it, I get it!

At 9:30 PM, Blogger Cat. said...

...if we aren't there already...


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