Thursday, March 03, 2005

The "Liberal?" Media

Shame on you, Chicago Tribune Editorial Board. Censoring the Boondocks comic strip on Tuesday. Bad Bored. I quote, "Today's original Boondocks strip presents inaccurate information as fact. Please enjoy this substitute."

The original strip contained two frames. In the first, one of the main characters is listening to a news report, which states, "Reportedly, a conversation in which President Bush admitted smoking marijuana was recorded by Doug Wead."

No factual misstatements there. As ironic as it is, a man named Wead did record the Prez talking about smoking weed. Fact.

The second frame continues, "This just in. We just got two more revelations from Joe Blow and Petey Crack." Fact? Hardly. Irony, with the creator making a point? Exactly. Who in their right mind would think that Joe Blow and Petey Crack were, in fact, real people? No one, apparently, except the Tribune Editorial Bored. It's parody - do you get it now that I've explained it to you?

Do you fact-check ALL your strips? How about the Boondocks the following day? Do you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Paris Hilton's phone's address book contained the phone number to the Free Clinic? Did you ask her? Do you really think the multi-billionaire heiress of the Hilton fortune would go to the Free Clinic for anything? She could buy her own clinic, and keep it staffed exclusively for herself.

And yet you printed the Hilton strip.


She's an entertainer. An one without a particular stellar reputation. So what if the satire in the strip about her propagates that impression?

But the Prez!?! Take a shot at him? Can't let that happen unless it's proven fact!! Not as a member of the Impartial Media Elite, or perhaps even the Liberal Media. You know what the worst part about this is - it's not even close to the best of the actual "Bushisms" that spew forth from the Prez' mouth. He's even more clueless!

Oh. Wait. McGruders' Boondocks strip actually has a point. And makes sense. IF you don't have cranio-rectal inversion syndrome.

Let's put the shoe on the other foot for a moment. Let's say someone in Clinton's administration tried to put the brakes on a story that wasn't flattering to him. First, you'd print it (and you did. Whitewater. Lewinsky. Ad nauseum). Then, you'd air the story that someone tried to censor you.

Yet you censor this comic strip creator's first amendment rights.

You hypocritical pack of Republican, Conservative schmucks. (I can't type what I REALLY want to because one of the guiding principles I swore that I would not do in this blog is swear). Most times you at least try to sound impartial, but this is so egregious, you have to be called out.

Get the surgery required to correct for your inversion. Pull your collective heads out.

It's comedic satire, stupid.


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